Effects of Climate Change

In a previous blog post we spoke about SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals. The first SDG we tackled in 2019 was SDG 13 Climate Change. Climate change is defined as global or local change in weather patterns. While some climate change is natural, the extreme changes the world is experiencing has been brought on by human beings and our wasteful ways.

Earlier this week Australia’s Minister for the Environment, Melissa Price, officially announced the extinction of  Bramble Cay melomy, a mosaic-tailed rat. It’s the first mammal to become extinction due to human-caused climate change. And while it is a small and unassuming creature, the greater impact this will have on our environment cannot be understated. As small effects to improve can create great change, the opposite is also true.

We have a number of conservation projects that work to keep endangered species alive. The Centre for Endangered Species works with rare and vulnerable animals, particularly rhino and cheetah and actively participates in the conservation of animals in the Kruger National Park. In the same area, we have the Lowveld Rehabilitation Centre where injured or orphaned animals are reintroduced to their natural environment.

All our conservation-focused volunteer projects actively work toward a sustainable future through animal rehabilitation, community education and conservation.

The Good Hope Volunteer Team

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